
The Companion Animal Rescue Awards returns for its 5th year

Ivory Coat recognises the tireless work done by rescue groups and animal shelters to rehabilitate and rehome pets Australia wide. Thank you to Ivory Coat for supporting the Rescue Awards 2022.

The Companion Animal Rescue Awards (Rescue Awards) returns to inspire rescue groups and animal shelters that continue their efforts in saving lives during these challenging times of the pandemic and more recently, the devastating floods in parts of Australia. Pet Insurance Australia is the Platinum Rescue Hero and Naming Partner, and the program is called the “Pet Insurance Australia Companion Animal Rescue Awards 2022” . The Rescue Awards is Australia’s first and only national awards program for hard-working rescues, shelters, companion animal welfare organisations, foster carers, and passionate pet adopters. The Rescue Awards is the platform to showcase excellence and innovation, thereby raising the standards of rescue groups and animals shelters nation-wide. “Thousands of volunteers support over 1,000 rescue groups and animal shelters across Australia,” said Cathy, founder and manager of the Rescue Awards. “The Rescue Awards shines the light on staff and volunteers who not only help surrendered and abandoned pets to find a loving home but also provide outreach assistance to pet guardians in the community.”




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