1 For the quantified pet people who use data and technology to track heart rate, sleep and other health points in order to attain a better quality of life. The natural extension for pet owners is wearable tech that applies these data based health and wellbeing improvements to our animal companions. Enter the quantified – not to mention wi-fi’d – pet. For your dog, the FitBark 2 attaches to their collar and calculates their sleep and health index (including how many steps they take daily). Using the data shown in the FitBark app, you can balance your dog’s activity, food and sleep – for example, by increasing activity if their sleep quality goes down. Another high-end, high-tech option hitting the market soon is Inupathy, a harness that is best described as a mood ring for dogs. It monitors heart rate data using sensors and changes colour to reflect one of five moods: relaxed, For cats, smart litter boxes gather health data while your cat is doing its business. One option is Petivity, a monitor that can be placed below your kitty litter tray to measure weight, waste type, time of day and frequency. The technology builds a detailed profile on your cat based on its bowel movements. If something appears to be out of the ordinary, you will get an instant notification on the app. The ‘quantified self’ movement refers to happy, interested, stressed or excited.
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